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International Aquaponics Opti Conference at National Taiwan Ocean University (NTOU)
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International Aquaponics Opti Conference
May 29, 2024
National Taiwan Ocean University (NTOU) held the “Belmont Forum Sustainable Food Production and Consumption – Aquaponics (Algae) Symbiosis International Symposium” on May 29, 2024 in Keelung City, Taiwan.
Experts from seven countries gathered at NTOU to explore the symbiosis of aquaculture systems and to promote the sustainable food production system of aquaponics towards sustainable consumption and production. The event was opened by NTOU President Tai-Wen Hsu, Distinguished Professor Yuh-Ming Lee from the National Taipei University and representing Belmont Forum, and NTOU’s Professor Dr. Fan-Hua Nan; over 18 representatives of the International Aquaponics Opti Consortium represented their research, and nearly 100 stakeholders were in attendance (NTOU).
All participants—especially the SSCP Aquaponics Opti research partner from Sweden, Germany, Turkey, South Africa, Brazil, and the United States—cordially thank Professor Dr. Fan-Hua Nan and his team for hosting this excellent, inspiring, and productive academic event and welcoming the consortium with generous hospitality!

Cordial thanks to our incredible hosts, Professor Dr. Fan-Hua Nan and his team, Dr Yu-Ting Chu, Dr. Yeh-Fang Hu, and Dr. Chun-Pei Liao.
Cordial thanks to our incredible hosts, Professor Dr. Fan-Hua Nan and his team, Dr. Yu-Ting Chu, Dr. Yeh-Fang Hu, and Dr. Chun-Pei Liao.
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Aquaponics Opti Teams arrive at NTOU
May 28, 2024
The Aquaponics Opti team members arrive at the National Taiwan Ocean University (NTOU) in Keelung City, Taiwan. The Taiwanese team led by Professor Dr. Fan-Hua Nan has invited the Belmont Forum CRA Aquaponics Opti Team to the first International Aquaponics Opti Conference to promote the sustainable food production system aquaponics. Professors and researchers Dr. Yu-Ting Chu, Dr. Yeh-Fang Hu, and Dr. Chun-Pei Liao have gone beyond to organize this event, with nearly 100 stakeholders participating. All seven teams from Taiwan, Sweden, Germany, Turkey, South Africa, Brazil, and the United States will be represented at the upcoming event.